The Argonaut Innovations OralEar is the next step in advances for the hearing impaired. At present, current hearing aid manufacturing covers less than ten percent of those affected by debilitating hearing loss. Both discreet and effective, the OralEar may be purchased right here and taken to the dentist of your choice.
Pre-orderInvestArgonaut Innovations is a firm believer in giving back. Partnering with the Patterson Foundation, Argonaut Innovations will donate $250 for each OralEar purchased to the foundation to help provide for the disadvantaged hearing-impaired.
In step with Argonaut Innovations Patient-First philosophy, we will assist with OralEar financing.
Argonaut Innovations offers flat rate financing, with same day approvals. With payments as low as $114 per month with no down payment, restored hearing has never been closer for you and your loved ones.